
Easy boot glove back country
Easy boot glove back country

easy boot glove back country

The Easyboot Glove 50-B will fit heels that are 5mm or less above the back of the fit kit shell. The Easyboot Glove 50-A has a heel height that will fit heels that are 5mm or more above the back of the fit kit shell. Second, the Easyboot Glove 50 will come in two different heel heights. We recommend using the Eas圜are Fit Kitto determine the correct shell size. There are two factors to consider in order to have success with the Easyboot Glove 50.įirst is using a shell size that fits the hoof well. It’s important for the shell to fit properly. We would prefer people that are already familiar with the Easyboot Glove and have used the Glove Fit Kit in the past. We have finished a small run of Easyboot Glove 50 hoof boots and are looking for people to help us test them before release. Although our internal testing has been successful, Eas圜are is looking for horse owners and dealers to help us test the first small run of boots.

easy boot glove back country

All parts are replaceable, and it has already been used successfully in several 50-mile endurance events. The heel slings come in two different heights to properly fit more horses’ heels.

easy boot glove back country

The Easyboot Glove 50 is built on the Easyboot Glove shell, but replaces the fabric gaiter with a urethane heel sling covered in neoprene. The Easyboot Glove 50 is here and ready for outside testers.

Easy boot glove back country